# URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url: http://yoursite.com root: / permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ permalink_defaults:
# Writing new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts default_layout: post titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase external_link: true # Open external links in new tab filename_case: 0 render_drafts: false post_asset_folder: false relative_link: false future: true highlight: enable: true line_number: true auto_detect: true tab_replace:
# Category & Tag default_category: uncategorized category_map: tag_map:
# Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ date_format: YYYY-MM-DD time_format: HH:mm:ss
# Pagination ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page: 100 pagination_dir: page
# Extensions ## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/ ## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/ theme: Next
# when running hexo in a subdirectory (e.g. domain.tld/blog), remove leading slashes ( "/archives" -> "archives" ) menu: home: / categories: /categories #about: /about archives: /archives tags: /tags #commonweal: /404.html
# Place your favicon.ico to /source directory. favicon: /favicon.ico
# Set default keywords (Use a comma to separate) keywords: "Hexo,next"
# Set rss to false to disable feed link. # Leave rss as empty to use site's feed link. # Set rss to specific value if you have burned your feed already. rss:
# Icon fonts # Place your font into next/source/fonts, specify directory-name and font-name here # Avialable: default | linecons | fifty-shades | feather icon_font: default #icon_font: fifty-shades #icon_font: feather #icon_font: linecons
# Code Highlight theme # Available value: normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright # https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme highlight_theme: normal
# MathJax Support mathjax: true
# Schemes scheme: Mist
# Sidebar, available value: # - post expand on posts automatically. Default. # - always expand for all pages automatically # - hide expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon. #sidebar: post #sidebar: always sidebar: hide
# Automatically scroll page to section which is under <!-- more --> mark. scroll_to_more: true
# Automatically add list number to toc. toc_list_number: true
# Use Lato font # Note: this option is avialable only when the language is not `zh-Hans` use_font_lato: true
# Make duoshuo show UA # user_id must NOT be null when admin_enable is true! # you can visit http://dev.duoshuo.com get duoshuo user id. duoshuo_info: ua_enable: true admin_enable: false user_id: 0 #admin_nickname: ROOT
# Use velocity to animate everything. use_motion: true